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So far Dr. Raman has created 87 blog entries.

How An Attitude of Gratitude Can Help Your Health


Gratitude. Grateful. Thankful. So many ways to express all that is right in the world. It seems like the world is always in a race to get to an imaginary finish line. We run at the speed of light, knocking down everything standing in our way, but not quite sure why we are running in

How An Attitude of Gratitude Can Help Your Health2023-04-23T16:25:55+00:00

How Your Nutritional Needs Change As You Age


Food is fuel. Nutrition is a lifeline. Eating is survival. The one constant that remains with us in each decade of life is the need to exercise and the necessity to replenish things lost during exercise. Our cells thrive or die based on the choices we make. This is not yet another lecture telling you how

How Your Nutritional Needs Change As You Age2023-04-23T16:17:15+00:00

With All The Choices Out There, Which Diet Should I Be Following?


The world of nutrition can be just as overwhelming as choosing your pizza toppings. Keto? Paleo? Carnivore? Mediterranean?  Vegan? Vegetarian? Lacto Vegetarian? Ovo Vegetarian? Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian? Pollotarian? Pescatarian? Flexitarian? I am seriously not making this stuff up. There really are such things, but is there truly only one path that leads to success? Trying to pick

With All The Choices Out There, Which Diet Should I Be Following?2023-04-23T16:17:24+00:00

Why Self Care Should Be At The Heart Of Healthy Habits


“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” “You can only love others as much as you love yourself.” “You are no good to others if you are not good to yourself.” Golden words that have never been truer. Isn’t that how it was always supposed to be? So how did we get this so wrong? Ok.

Why Self Care Should Be At The Heart Of Healthy Habits2023-04-23T16:36:34+00:00

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): An Aide to Immune Repair and Restoration


In 1984 Naltrexone was approved by the FDA in the US for the treatment of opioid addiction, when used at doses of 50mg to 100mg per day. Acting as a pure opioid antagonist, naltrexone in higher doses blocks the effects of endogenous endorphins, that are seen in our own natural endorphins as well as those

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): An Aide to Immune Repair and Restoration2023-04-27T19:45:28+00:00

Heart Health and You


According to the CDC, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds while one dies every 36 seconds. Coronary artery disease, caused by arterial inflammation and plaque deposits, is the number one cause of heart disease in the United States. It is so important to take heart health seriously. The greatest risks for coronary artery disease

Heart Health and You2023-04-27T19:45:58+00:00

2021 – A Year of Hope, A Time of Healing


The New Year is often seen as a lighthouse for new beginnings and new possibilities. A time where mistakes of the past year become the lessons for the future. For some, it is a victory lap for overcoming the impossible. It is a new chapter waiting to be written. January 1st represents moments of hope,

2021 – A Year of Hope, A Time of Healing2023-04-23T16:26:28+00:00

Physical vs Mental Health: How Taking Care of Your Mind Is Taking Care of Your Body And Vice Versa


Oh boy. Where to even start with this one? I don’t think even Steven Spielberg could have scripted something as wild as the reality of 2020! While my goal for the monthly newsletters/blog has always been to try and bring some level of awareness that can be used for the betterment of health, this month

Physical vs Mental Health: How Taking Care of Your Mind Is Taking Care of Your Body And Vice Versa2023-04-23T16:26:41+00:00

Natural Ways To Raise And Maintain Your Immune System


Eight months into 2020, Covid has become a household name. However we cannot forget the other virus that visits us every winter, Influenza A & B. Public health officials have been warning us since March that this winter will be the year of the double virus whammy, but what does this mean for us and

Natural Ways To Raise And Maintain Your Immune System2023-04-23T16:18:00+00:00

Healthy Snacks To Get You Through The Pandemic


Having been vegetarian for most of my life, nutrition was not always an easy path because of the limited food choices available. There weren’t as many plant-based foods as there is now. Back when I was growing up, there was no such thing as a “veggie burger."  If you wanted a veggie burger, you ordered

Healthy Snacks To Get You Through The Pandemic2023-04-23T16:18:09+00:00
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