Heart Health and You


According to the CDC, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds while one dies every 36 seconds. Coronary artery disease, caused by arterial inflammation and plaque deposits, is the number one cause of heart disease in the United States. It is so important to take heart health seriously. The greatest risks for coronary artery disease

Heart Health and You2023-04-27T19:45:58+00:00

Knowing Your Cholesterol Numbers is Very Important


Often a hospital or clinic will offer an onsite cholesterol test at a health fair or health-themed event. You receive a number calculated from a drop of your blood and now you know what your cholesterol level is, right? Unfortunately, the answer is no. While a blood drop test might identify an extremely high cholesterol

Knowing Your Cholesterol Numbers is Very Important2023-04-27T20:01:05+00:00

Is Your Heart Healthy?


February is Heart Healthy Month and in honor of all those affected, I dedicate this article to you. The heart….the glorious organ that is the center of all the chakras. The entity that gives life, sustains life and is the soul of our existence. The red of the blood that symbolizes fight and the warmth that

Is Your Heart Healthy?2023-04-27T20:02:50+00:00
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