What No One Tells You About Menopause


Menopause, a women’s worst nightmare or is it? By simply understanding the basic science, we can clear the myths of this dreaded change and make it the most empowering years of a women’s life. The two predominant hormones are Estrogen and Progesterone. Menopause is nothing more than a mirror image of menarche, or the start of

What No One Tells You About Menopause2023-04-27T19:56:07+00:00

Estrogen and Progesterone: Finding Balance As You Age


Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that play a significant role in women's health. These two hormones are most commonly understood as they relate to menstrual cycles, but they affect so many other areas of wellbeing, especially as women age. Both estrogen and progesterone are primarily produced by the ovaries. From adolescence until perimenopause, estrogen and

Estrogen and Progesterone: Finding Balance As You Age2023-04-27T19:57:45+00:00
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