The Benefits of Acupuncture

The idea of needles inserted throughout your body for pain relief may make the hair on the back of your neck run for cover. What if these needles inserted in very strategic locations could actually help cure symptoms that modern medicine couldn’t?

I am talking about the science of acupuncture.

The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture defines this 7000 year old alternative method as:

“Energy network traversing just below the surface of the skin which communicates from the exterior to the internal organs and structures over 1,000 “Acupoints” on the body. This energy works in harmony with the body’s circulatory, nervous, muscular, digestive, genitourinary and all other systems of the body. When this vital energy becomes blocked or weakened, an effect in a body system or anatomic location becomes evident. Stimulation of one or a combination of key “Acupoints” on the body may restore harmony to the affected area.”

Let me be very honest here. While I believed in “theory” acupuncture could help, I underestimated the enormous clinical impact it could have on healing the body. Well, at least until this March, that is.

Dealing with somewhat chronic gluteal tendinopathy caused my running days to come to a screeching halt. Steroid injections offered short term relief. Physical therapy taught me how to strengthen those weakened areas. But it is hard to work on strengthening when you are in a constant state of pain.

Desperate for any relief before my April half –marathon, I opened to the possibility of alternative treatments.

I was introduced to a remarkable chiropractor who assessed my issues and began weekly medical acupuncture treatments. For the first time in five years, I was able to sit crossed legged for more than ten minutes. My running pace improved significantly. And I ended up finishing the half one minute faster than last year!

So how exactly does acupuncture work?

According to The Internal Academy of Medical Acupuncuture, ”The human body’s energy flow courses over twelve meridians or channels that are normally well balanced. If a disruption of energy flow exists, it can alter the entire system, producing pain or symptoms in the body. This is Acupuncture’s goal-to restore normalcy to the body’senergy balance by utilizing a combination of Acupoints located on the twelve meridians.This is accomplished by a variety of means, the needle is just one.”

To begin, a certified acupuncturist will obtain a complete history and perform a thorough physical exam to assess the possible origin of pain. A thin gauge needle is inserted along the desired meridian points. During my treatments, I was also treated with electrical stimulation at the point of insertion. This allowed for pain receptors to dial it down a notchwhile increasing blood flow to the injured sites.

After one treatment, my pain, range of motion, strength and stability improved by 80%. Although skeptical that it would last, subsequent treatments only continued to improve my symptoms. Once the pain was tolerable, I was now able to start a regimented structured strength training program.

**Case controlled studies have shown acupuncture to also be an effective form of treatment for:

  • Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)
  • Biliary colic
  • Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
  • Dysentery, acute bacillary
  • Dysmenorrhoea, primary
  • Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm)
  • Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
  • Headache
  • Hypertension, essential
  • Hypotension, primary
  • Induction of labor
  • Knee pain
  • Leukopenia
  • Low back pain
  • Malposition of fetus, correction
  • Morning sickness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Neck pain
  • Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
  • Periarthritis of shoulder
  • Postoperative pain
  • Renal colic
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Sprain
  • Stroke
  • Tennis elbow

**Source: UC San Diego School of Medicine: Center for Integrative Medicine

Chronic symptoms halt a life from being lived to its utmost potential.

We are always seeking answers from a future solution that is yet to be discovered. But what if those answers already exist and we just need to turn around and find them in the place where we have already been?

No matter what condition is affecting your life, consider remaining open to the idea that alternative holistic medicine could offer a restorative treatment that helps in realigning your energy flow.

Dr. Raman’s Concierge Medical Practice is focused on holistic care and good health maintenance. For more information on healthy eating habits and achieving and maintaining OPTIMAL health,  CONTACT our office today to schedule your appointment. You can also learn more by following Dr. Raman on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Pinterest.



Lunaris Health & Wellness is focused on caring for each person as a whole, not just a list of symptoms. Our office is committed to helping our patients stay well and maintain good health rather than treating patients only after they become ill. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Raman, please contact us today. You can learn more by following Dr. Raman on socials.