5 Science Backed Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer


October has become synonymous with breast cancer awareness. Everywhere you look, pink is the color you will be sure to find. This months’ blog is dedicated to anyone who has personally been affected or knows someone with breast cancer. It seems every day we hear about someone else that was diagnosed. Has breast cancer really

5 Science Backed Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer2023-04-27T19:52:05+00:00

Is Hormone Therapy Right For You?


There comes a point in our lifespan where the hormones biologically begin to slow down production and we begin to consider hormone therapy. When our body senses the slowing of stressors in our crazy lives, it has no need to keep up with the high demands of life. While this is a good thing, the

Is Hormone Therapy Right For You?2023-04-27T19:55:24+00:00

What No One Tells You About Menopause


Menopause, a women’s worst nightmare or is it? By simply understanding the basic science, we can clear the myths of this dreaded change and make it the most empowering years of a women’s life. The two predominant hormones are Estrogen and Progesterone. Menopause is nothing more than a mirror image of menarche, or the start of

What No One Tells You About Menopause2023-04-27T19:56:07+00:00

Think Pink: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month


It’s likely that you or someone you know has been affected by breast cancer. Studies indicate that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. This staggering number makes breast cancer the second leading cause of death among women, and an important reason to pay attention to your breast health,

Think Pink: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month2023-04-27T19:56:54+00:00

Explaining the Hypertension Link in Women


Did you know that “hypertension” and high blood pressure, often used interchangeably, is really the same thing? Patients often misunderstand the truth about hypertension, thinking it is brought on by stress, anxiety or other emotional occurrences in one’s life. In reality, hypertension is a physiological dysfunction that researchers have found can turn into a chronic

Explaining the Hypertension Link in Women2023-04-27T19:57:03+00:00

Preventing Osteoporosis In 4 Easy Steps


As we all age, our bones become thinner. This isn’t just a sign of aging, but is a disease known as osteoporosis. But did you know there’s another disease similar to osteoporosis that’s just as dangerous called osteopenia? Very few people understand how widespread osteopenia and osteoporosis are. In the United States, about 8 million

Preventing Osteoporosis In 4 Easy Steps2023-04-27T19:57:26+00:00

The Importance of Well Woman Exams: Keep It On Your Calendar


Recommendations about women's health screening have changed in recent years, and often-conflicting information can lead to confusion. For instance, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, not every woman needs an annual screening for cervical cancer, known as a Pap test. Authorities on breast cancer also vary on their recommendations for mammograms, but

The Importance of Well Woman Exams: Keep It On Your Calendar2023-04-27T19:57:37+00:00

Estrogen and Progesterone: Finding Balance As You Age


Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that play a significant role in women's health. These two hormones are most commonly understood as they relate to menstrual cycles, but they affect so many other areas of wellbeing, especially as women age. Both estrogen and progesterone are primarily produced by the ovaries. From adolescence until perimenopause, estrogen and

Estrogen and Progesterone: Finding Balance As You Age2023-04-27T19:57:45+00:00

Perimenopause and Menopause: Important Things to Know


The human body changes over time, both externally and internally. Hormones are one of the body’s great regulators and both men and women experience hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives. For women, the transition through perimenopause to menopause is a time of major hormonal fluctuation. The phases are often confused with each other, but true menopause

Perimenopause and Menopause: Important Things to Know2023-04-27T20:00:48+00:00

Breast Cancer Facts and Factors


The month of October and the color pink has become a national symbol of survival and perseverance. The 10th month of every year gives new hope to anyone that has been affected by breast cancer. In 1982, the Susan G. Komen was initiated and brought the attention needed on breast cancer research and treatment. Take

Breast Cancer Facts and Factors2023-04-27T20:01:59+00:00
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