Why I Got Into Concierge Medicine


It feels like every week the world becomes a little more upside-down and inside out. What do we believe? Who do we believe? How do we make the simple day to day decisions that once took mere seconds have now extended into days? When will the vaccine be ready? Will a vaccine be ready? Where

Why I Got Into Concierge Medicine2023-04-23T16:18:17+00:00

5 Reasons to Spend More Time Outside This Summer


As the sun glares over the horizon, the warmth of its rays welcomes us to come be present with nature in the great outdoors. After nearly 10 weeks of doing what is best for our nation and the people of it, we began to sense the door was cracking just enough to raise our excitement.

5 Reasons to Spend More Time Outside This Summer2023-04-27T19:46:36+00:00

Giving Back During COVID-19


Two months. That is how long it has been since life threw us into a sea of unknowns.  With the destruction of our normalcy and the alienation of our basic need for human touch, the Coronavirus has left behind a trail of unforgiving reminders of disbelief and shock.  But even still, from the depths of

Giving Back During COVID-192023-04-23T16:58:19+00:00

COVID-19: One Month Later


I can’t believe it has been just ONE month since every conversation, every thought, and every move of our life has fallen mercy to this bully we call COVID-19. Could we have ever imagined this is how we would be living life, at least for a short time anyway? Just when we feel we have understood

COVID-19: One Month Later2023-04-23T16:57:46+00:00

Dr. Raman’s Thoughts On COVID-19


With this surreal reality of life, it would very difficult to not talk about the elephant in the room. Although “this elephant” is invisible to the naked eye, it has made its presence known in all eight corners of the world. A virus that has been mocked for being named after a beer, the Coronavirus, also

Dr. Raman’s Thoughts On COVID-192023-04-23T16:18:31+00:00

Tips For Working Out At Home


Six weeks have passed since ringing in the New Year with all of those promising resolutions to get healthy. We set our intentions and march forward to sign up for those “unbeatable” gym specials. However, Old Man Winter can get in the way of leaving the house so we can keep up with those promising

Tips For Working Out At Home2023-04-23T16:27:09+00:00

Staying Healthy Through The Holidays


Do the holidays have you jumping for joy or running for the nearest exit? Labeled as “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," the holiday season can be stressful and overwhelming for some. If you are in need of a vacation to refuel after all that joy, how about trying something different this year? Staying anchored amidst

Staying Healthy Through The Holidays2023-04-27T19:52:19+00:00

5 Science Backed Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer


October has become synonymous with breast cancer awareness. Everywhere you look, pink is the color you will be sure to find. This months’ blog is dedicated to anyone who has personally been affected or knows someone with breast cancer. It seems every day we hear about someone else that was diagnosed. Has breast cancer really

5 Science Backed Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer2023-04-27T19:52:05+00:00

The Benefits of Acupuncture


The idea of needles inserted throughout your body for pain relief may make the hair on the back of your neck run for cover. What if these needles inserted in very strategic locations could actually help cure symptoms that modern medicine couldn’t? I am talking about the science of acupuncture. The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture

The Benefits of Acupuncture2023-04-23T16:22:06+00:00

Must Have Exercise Equipment


Have you ever walked into a gym, took one look at the equipment, and turned right around and walked out? All the latest and greatest gadgets can not only be daunting, but they can also leave one to ponder who comes up with this crazy stuff. Well, let me tell you, this is my absolute

Must Have Exercise Equipment2023-04-23T16:22:20+00:00
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